Tag Archives: time management summer

time management summer time

Professional Obligations Don’t Have to Damper Summer Fun

Hello again! The tones of summer are alive in my life. Graduations. Picnics. The great outdoors. And invites to poolside parties.

Does summer change your schedule? Your mood? Your focus?

Summer can be a time of fun and frolic with family and friends. It can also just put more pressure on your professional obligations as you try to juggle kids out of school, family vacations, and other activities.

A quick way to help you enjoy the splashing spontaneity of summer while not feeling stressed is to make sure YOU decide what things you really want to participate in and what things are less important to you.

Take a few minutes and remember what types of activities really make you happy. Choose to say “yes” to those and “no” to others. Get ahead of the game and create the types of activities you love, rather than be bounced around by what comes your way.

The other thing you might consider is to commit some of your summer to investing in yourself. Use those long daylight hours to spend time studying something that will move your life forward in the direction you desire.

Each season brings with it wonderful ways to experience life. I hope you find things that enliven you this summer.