Tag Archives: live a fulfilling life

create a blue zone routine

Create Your Own Blue Zone Routines

August is often the start of hectic activities to resume our regular routines. Here is why, and how creating your own Blue Zone routine is important.

Whether you are getting ready to send your children back to school, or you are just starting back into a more regular work week as employees, you and your customers are all back from vacations — the end of summer schedules is near.

As you begin to ramp back up into your regular routine I suggest you think about creating routines that better align with your desires and your health — rather than doing what you have always done.

I often talk about how creating a life you love will feed your soul and your pocketbook. And it is true. Plus, creating routines that feed your inspiration actually improve your health and life span!

In his book, The Blue Zones, Dan Buettner describes nine key lessons he discovered while researching the places around the world where people live longer than average. He looked at places where people lived to over 100 healthy at rates significantly higher than average — blue zones. Many things he found also match what I have learned about success.

Here are key points you will want include in your routine this fall:

  • Regular physical exercise — preferably outside rather than in a gym helps your body be strong and reduces stress.
    • Walking five miles a day or more every day seems common in blue zones.
    • Gardening is another great form of exercise that uses a wide range of motions and gives you a source of fresh vegetables.
  • Choose work you love, rather than work to later do what you love.
  • Find purpose in your life so you wake up enthusiastic for your day.
  • Take time for family — many blue zones have strong family time in their lives. In fact, they put family first.
    • Develop and cherish a strong social network; family and friends who will have your back and you will have theirs emotionally, financially and physically. Make sure the people you spend the most time with honor the same values and goals you do.
  • Take time daily to admire what is beautiful in your world. Stop and enjoy it.
  • If your routine does not include much laughter, start new ones that allow for more joy in your daily life.
  • Keep learning. Look for ways to expand your mind regularly.

Here is to your happy, healthy, Blue Zone routines. Do you have one to add?