Who Can You Be Today?

What is the greatest ideal expression of myself I can be today?

This simple question has the potential to move you from guilt and blame over the past or anxiety and doubt about the future.

Imagine waking each day without care about the mistakes you made yesterday or worry about your ability to reach your goals in the future–solely focused on what is the best you can bring to today!

I didn’t make this question up; some wise person I don’t recall gave it to me. The question gave me pause, made me consider, and helped me put things in perspective. Then, like so many of us, I let this wise teaching slip into the background. However, I was smart enough to send myself a note that would arrive months later to remind me of the question again today.

Now re-reading it with new eyes I am committed to asking myself this question every morning for the rest of my life. I posted it on my bathroom mirror to remind me each morning when I wake and each evening when I retire that the only think required of me is to bring my best to the day at hand.

And now I ask you. What is the greatest ideal expression of yourself you can bring to your life, today?

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