Tag Archives: habit

One Trick to Help Reach Your Goals Faster!

Here is a big twist on reaching your goals that might make the difference in your success!

Usually when we want to achieve something we focus on the outcome of what we want. There are even hundreds of books, audio recordings and training programs telling you to imagine your goal achieved–I often advise you to do it too!

However, psychologists Lien Pham and Shelley Taylor did a study looking at the effect of visualizing three different aspects of your goal:

  1. Imagining the goal achieved,
  2. Imagining having the habits that would achieve the goal, or
  3. Imagining having both the good habits AND achieving the goal.

Which do you think got the best results? Well, it surprised me because I assumed number three, visualizing both would have the highest reward. But it was visualizing the habits to get there!

Visualizing the habits to get there had the best results!

This could be a huge step in your success at any goal. Instead of focusing on being successful, visualize yourself as someone who has the productivity and decision making of a successful person. Rather than imagining yourself thin, imagine yourself with the habits of someone with a healthy, slender body. The possibilities are endless!

Apparently, the reason this is so powerful is because it decreases anxiety over achieving the results and increases your likelihood to plan for success. After thinking about it I realize it makes perfect sense. It’s why I coach women to work on their chief priority first…then fill in the day! It is the same reason I advise you to carve out time each day to move forward on your goal, even if it is only 30 minutes a day.

Both of these are habits. And by developing success habits, you create success! It really is that simple.

Do you have a goal in mind that you can refocus your attention to the habits required to achieve it? Start visualizing yourself with those habits, today!