Tag Archives: girls

Drop Negative Media Headlines as Truth and look elsewhere for news

Sometimes we focus too much on what is not right.  Yet, focusing on what is going well, who is showing up and making things better, and how good things are happening all around us is exactly the recipe for bringing more of the good things to the stage of our lives.

Melinda Gates has a forum on tumblr to spotlight people who are making a difference at empowering women and girls.  You will be inspired reading about these unsung heroes and heroines.

Just as important as what these wonderful people are doing is asking ourselves what are we doing to empower women and girls.  What can I do today, this week, this month that will give some other woman a lift up?

The people Melinda is highlighting did not just one day do an amazing, global, world changing act.   They set out with small acts of courage to go against the norm, small words of encouragement when some female was down and out, or some gift of mentorship for one, single individual that built in them the muscle and the habit of doing more and more until they did something the world recognizes as a great contribution.

Look around your world.  What women and girls do you come into contact with?  What do they need to get ahead that you could help with?  Look at yourself.  What strengths do you have?  What experience have you garnered?  How can you share your strengths and wisdom with other women or girls–maybe just one, possibly making a difference in their lives?

Large acts of grandeur are not necessary for women and girls to become fully empowered. Small, continuous acts of generosity from those of us that have something to share may have a far wider reach than we ever imagined.

Let me know what you do to help empower other women and girls.  Your idea could be the winning lottery ticket that inspires millions of others to do the same small act that changes the world for women from this day forward.