Tag Archives: Cindy Joseph

Over 50 & Fabulous?

Are you over 50 (or heading towards it) and maybe fallen prey to our culture’s infatuation with youth? Do you believe the best of your life is behind you? Are you looking for and buying more and more “anti-aging” products–hoping for a miracle that will help you feel youthful again?

If any of that rings true then seeing what 60-year old Cindy Joseph is doing may surprise you!

Cindy just recently became a high paid fashion model. In fact, the surprise offer came the day she cut the last of her dyed hair off and became her natural silver-haired self! Her message is inspiring and I encourage you to read what she is doing and watch this video of her.  Even though the video is ultimately aimed at selling you her new makeup line, it is worth the watch as she discusses an attitude that can change your view of aging.

What’s her secrets?

  • Use less makeup, not more.
  • Let your hair go natural.
  • See yourself as beautiful, because you are.
  • Recreate yourself, rather than accept the cultural stereotype of getting old.